
FOX NEWS: Officers find bodies of Illinois professor, husband in river

FOX NEWS: 2 Georgia women, teenager found dead with gunshot wounds, officials say

FOX NEWS: Milo Yiannopoulos speech at NYU postponed for safety reasons

FOX NEWS: Clyburn to appear with Democratic hopeful who admitted to domestic abuse

FOX NEWS: Trump's birthright citizenship interview sparks the media reaction he wanted

FOX NEWS: City council candidate facing heat for allegedly dropping off mom, 86, to panhandle

FOX NEWS: Dems blast Trump's 'birthright citizenship' plan, call it midterm election gimmick

FOX NEWS: Mitt Romney goes door-to-door as he canvasses Salt Lake City

FOX NEWS: President Trump ignites birthright citizenship battle

FOX NEWS: Is birthright citizenship in the Constitution?

FOX NEWS: Biden, stumping for Dems, says he's 'sick and tired' of Trump White House

FOX NEWS: Graham: Kavanaugh and the caravan have united Republicans

FOX NEWS: New Jersey legislature votes to investigate after Gov. Murphy hired staffer despite rape claim

FOX NEWS: Clyburn to appear with Democratic hopeful who admitted to domestic abuse

FOX NEWS: Trump's birthright citizenship interview sparks the media reaction he wanted

FOX NEWS: Man plays piano to soothe elephants at Thailand sanctuary

FOX NEWS: Humans have killed 60 percent of world’s wildlife since 1970, World Wildlife Fund says

FOX NEWS: Hawaii Supreme Court upholds permit for controversial giant telescope

FOX NEWS: Cluster of 1,000 octopuses discovered during California deep-sea expedition

FOX NEWS: Raw video: Scientists find massive brooding group of octopus

FOX NEWS: Bed bugs in Ohio reach ‘epidemic’ levels, exterminators say

FOX NEWS: Giant 5,655-carat emerald crystal with 'golden green hue' discovered by miners

FOX NEWS: Civil War POWs’ trauma shortened their sons’ lifespans, startling new research says

FOX NEWS: Moon rocks, valued near $1M, to be sold at auction next month

FOX NEWS: 99 million-year-old beetle found trapped in amber